For Heart and Home
Check out my TAGT challenge treasury! It's chock full of beautiful handmade and vintage ideas for Christmas- gorgeous selections, for gifts, and for the home.
My home on the internet, where I can share my creations, amazing artistic finds, and whatever inspires me. I'm glad you stopped by!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
My Etsy Bestie
My friend, Kristi, whom I met on Etsy, is having a birthday this weekend. Wish I could celebrate with her, but we have to settle for a virtual celebration. Kristi and I talk via email and phone almost daily, and we often send links of items we love (and don't love!) back and forth on Etsy. Here is a collection of items Kristi has sent to me that she loves, as well as some other items that I think are her taste! Doesn't she have great taste?! The gorgeous Owl handmade coptic bound journal is from Kristi's shop. For the most fabulous handmade journals, you must check her out @ TheNibandQuill on Etsy!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Handmade Play Tool Set with Tool Belt
Check out my latest shop listing, handmade play tool set with tool belt. This set was so fun to make! It has five pieces, including an adjustable belt with nail bucket, tool pocket, and hammer loop; and a hammer, pliers, screwdriver, and wrench. These are all machine washable and safe for toddlers or babies. Soft and safe, they would make a great addition to any preschool classroom as well! To find these and other safe handmade toys in my shop, check out my safe handmade toys section here: Safe Handmade Toys
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Make Believe Treasury
Patti of LovesParis, a fellow TAGT member, included my crochet banana in her beautiful treasury. Check it out! It's Only Make Believe! I'm so appreciative of the inclusion! Thank you, Patti!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Handmade Halloween Costumes? YES!
Here is my latest listing, a handmade crochet Pumpkin Hat. This hat is made of 100% cotton yarn, and is made to order, so you choose the size (from infant to adult). Are you an adult who would like to celebrate the holiday but are a little too self conscious to dress in full costume? This is a great alternative! Moms, wouldn't this be cute with orange clothes, as an inexpensive Halloween costume? This would also be perfect for fall photos! To see this hat, or other great alternatives for Halloween and the holidays, or just everyday, see the hat section of my shop here: Custom Hats by suefern643
adult Halloween,
custom hat,
handmade costume,
photo prop,
toddler accessories
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Just sold a Candy Corn Hat!
I just sold a candy corn hat for a 9-year-old girl, who is going to be a Candy Corn for Halloween. What a unique idea for a handmade costume! This hat is a custom made item, so it can be made in any size, from infant to adult. Perfect for Trick or Treat, or Halloween photos. Available in classic candy corn colors, or other colors you choose. To see this hat and other unique custom hat designs, click here Custom Hat Section
Friday, September 23, 2011
Project Runway, here I come!

As you can imagine, a plastic bucket makes not a comfortable seat. So everyone has a cushion atop their throne. Note-You can actually purchase buckets with cushions at the sports store-I think they are for hunting or something. Our local stores have none in stock.
So my daughter came to me to create a cushion for her bucket. I will probably end up crocheting one, but she needed it rather quickly, so I had to improvise.
My mother is a wonderful seamstress who made many of my clothes when I was growing up. We were not wealthy, and I was the only girl, plopped right in the middle of two brothers. So my mother really enjoyed creating cute little dresses and pants and outfits for me. Unfortunately, though, she did not pass along her sewing talent to me. She TRIED. I had a little sewing machine that looked like a toy but was supposed to be functional, when I was younger. And I tried, but I could never seem to shake the fear that the machine was going to suck my fingers under the needle (as IF!) and sew on my skin. The fear was so strong that I could almost FEEL the pain that would cause-homemade stitches. Rambo I am NOT!
As an adult, when I became interested in home decor, I thought I'd try sewing again. {I LOVE QUILTS, and curtains, and pillows, and valances, and roman shades, etc.} So my darling husband bought me an awesome sewing machine for my birthday. I feel I'd be remiss if I forgot to mention that HIS mother made a living in Brazil as a seamstress and HE knows how to use a sewing machine!!!!

When my daughter needed a cushion for her pitching bucket, this sewing fear posed a problem. So I improvised. For the sewing impaired (uh-me!) there is a wonderful invention called Fabric glue. According to the package, it can be washed. Anyway, I used that fabric glue (got stuck all over my fingers) and I created this masterpiece. Hey-beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? And yes, I am aware that it is bigger than the bucket, and it should be a circle, but there was no way I was attempting a circle and isn't a butt bigger than a bucket anyway? Even a skinny butt?
fabric glue,
Project Runway,
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I sold a Crochet Oscar Earflap Hat!
Yippee! I'm so happy that I've sold a crochet Oscar Earflap hat! Ordered for a 3 year old's Halloween costume, it is the first Halloween costume accessory that I've sold this season. I previously sold another version of this hat (the beanie version pictured here) for an adult Sesame Street themed party, and it was a big hit! This hat is one of my daughter's favorites, as I created the first version at her request. I never grow tired of the barrage of compliments she receives whenever she wears it out in public! To see these and other great custom crochet hats, visit me here: My Crochet Hats
Another Happy Customer!
Here is a picture of an adorable little guy who loves his eggs! This is Law, and he's 2, and his mommy ordered a set of my crochet eggs for him to play with. These eggs are the perfect size for little hands and are a huge hit with the kiddos. They are cotton, so they are safe for sensitive skin, and they have no small parts to pose a choking hazard. I have another customer who ordered them for her baby's OT sessions, which help with his developmental delays and sensory issues. They have been a HUGE success. Another great idea for these eggs is a preschool classroom, for counting, or role playing. They would also work well with a child's toy kitchen. These eggs, as well as other safe toys, like a crochet banana, are available here in my shop: Safe Handmade Toys
P.S.--How CLEAN are those floors?! I could only DREAM of having such clean floors! You go, Kristi! :-D
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Football Party Accessory in my shop!
Ready for game day? These coasters are! Available in a variety of colors to match your favorite team or home decor, they are the perfect accessory for those wild football parties! At only $1 a piece, you can't go wrong. How about an inexpensive stocking stuffer for that sports fan? Check out my shop to see what colors are available! Here's a link to these and other handmade home items: Handmade Home Items
Friday, September 16, 2011
Looking for the perfect inexpensive stocking stuffer?
The latest addition to my Etsy shop is a set of 7 handmade crochet cotton facial scrubbers. These round scrubbers are crocheted with 100% cotton yarn, which is durable and earth friendly, and super absorbent as well. Wouldn't these make a wonderful teacher's gift? They are machine washable and dryable. Great for removing makeup. At only $1.00 a piece, you can't go wrong! They are available several different colors.
For these and other inexpensive gift ideas for the home and family, check out my Home Items shop section here: Crochet home Items
For these and other inexpensive gift ideas for the home and family, check out my Home Items shop section here: Crochet home Items
How cool is this!?
While browsing Etsy, I often come across items that really "strike my fancy". I save them under my favorites and go back and look at them every once in a while. Today, this item really caught my attention. It is a crochet pattern for a pirate ship! This is just so awesome that I had to share it! If you crochet, you should check out this seller's entire store, because you will find some really unique patterns. You can order this pattern by using this link.
pirate ship,
safe toys,
stuffed toy,
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
New Listing in my shop - Handmade Personalized Blanket
My latest shop listing is a handmade personalized blanket! This blanket is my own design, and was inspired by one of my repeat customers who wanted a special gift for a newborn baby girl named Ashley. This blanket can be customized with any name and it has three hearts on the top and bottom of the blanket. These hearts can be omitted if you prefer. The blanket has a pretty, scalloped edge. This is available in my shop at this link:
Crochet Blankets
TAGT treasury challenge entry
Today, I have an entry in the TAGT treasury challenge. Won't you please check it out? Thanks!
Here's the link: The Future's So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Beautiful Girly Treasury feature
![]() | |
Here is a gorgeous treasury, created by Arlene's Boutique, which features my Dora the Explorer hat! Check it out!
Bubblelicious by Arlene's Boutique
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Look at this cutie!!!!!

This is my new little model, Derek! Isn't he just the cutest in his new cotton owl hat? His beautiful mommy, Amy (pictured with him) snapped these awesome shots for me. He's so sweet, I could eat him up!!!
This hat is available here, in any color combination or size from infant to adult:
Custom Baby Owl Hat
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
All Things Handmade: Beautiful Handmade Autumn Colored Creations
All Things Handmade: Beautiful Handmade Autumn Colored Creations: The temperature has FINALLY dropped below 100 degrees and it is making me dream about fall and cooler weather. I love all the warm tones th...
Monday, September 5, 2011
We won!
My treasury, On Fire for American Beauty, which was a tribute to wonderful American Pride and Labor Day, won first place in the On Fire for Handmade Treasury Challenge this week. We had 1,082 views, which was a direct result of promotive efforts made within my teams, and by the sellers featured. I'm so happy that those featured will be enjoying so much extra exposure this week because of the treasury winning the challenge. THANK YOU to those who put forth such effort to promote this treasury! May you be blessed with much traffic and many sales as a result! On Fire for American Beauty
Labor Day,
on fire for handmade,
treasury challenge,
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Blue Baby Owl Hat in Cotton
Here is my latest listing, Blue Baby Owl Hat in Cotton, which I created for little Derek, my special buddy from Pittsburgh. You may remember Derek from my previous posts. He's a strong guy who has fought to survive and is THRIVING. He just had his first birthday and he recently pulled himself to a standing position for the first time ever! His mom, Amy is so wonderful about keeping me updated and sends me plenty of pictures of this adorable little angel and his handsome big brother, JR. Amy wants to take Derek to the pumpkin patch and asked for an owl earflap hat for him to wear. Thus, the owl hat was born. I tweeked a pattern I found on the internet, to make it my own, and this is the result. I think it's the cutest item I've EVER made! I can't wait to see a picture of Derek in this hat! Baby Owl Hat
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
New Shop Section - Doll Clothes
Today, I added a new section to my shop, Doll Clothes! I recently began creating accessories for a friend's daughters' American Girl doll, and I had so much fun that I wanted to share these with everyone else!
So, here's my first completed listing, Handmade Hat and Scarf Set for 18 inch Dolls.
Wouldn't this set make a wonderful stocking stuffer for your daughter or granddaughter? This set can be made in any color/s. These sets are so quick and easy to make that the turnaround time is lightning fast! Want to buy this? Click here: Doll Clothes
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
First Day of School!
The new school year started today, and my daughters were less than thrilled to go back to 7th and 8th grade. But being the corny mom that I am, I begged them to let me take a picture, and they grudgingly obliged under the condition that I don't post the picture on facebook. They would rather die than read my nerdy blog, so I guess it's safe to post it here. (hehe)
With new clothes (that actually look like old clothes-but that's what's cool these days!), and new haircuts, including a feather hair extension, they stood against the dining room wall so that I could click this ONE photo of them. They are growing up so quickly, I can't stand it. I already miss them!
With new clothes (that actually look like old clothes-but that's what's cool these days!), and new haircuts, including a feather hair extension, they stood against the dining room wall so that I could click this ONE photo of them. They are growing up so quickly, I can't stand it. I already miss them!
back to school,
Sunday, August 28, 2011
My treasury, Titled "Accessories" has been accepted into the On Fire for Handmade Treasury Contest this week! This is a huge honor for me, because this contest is made of Anne's favorite treasuries, so thank you so much, Anne! :-D
Please go to the On Fire for Handmade Blog, to vote for my treasury! If I win, I will be so happy, and I'm really excited about all the exposure the included artists will receive!
Here's a link to the contest. Voting is on the left side of the page!
etsy team treasury,
onfire team,
treasury contest
Friday, August 26, 2011
Woo hoo! I'm featured in the Great Finds Guide!
My pink and white baby hat is featured in the On Fire for Handmade Great Finds Guide! It's my first feature here, and I'm so excited. Please check it out and vote for my item. Thanks!

Monday, August 22, 2011
Blessed Day!
Today, my items were featured in EIGHT treasuries. I'm so very honored to have been featured in such wonderful collections by these awesome curators. Please check out their treasuries, tell them how great they are, and if you have a chance, visit their shops! They deserve it!
custom crochet,
etsy treasury,
Thursday, August 18, 2011
More Beautiful Treasuries with my Snowmen!

Here are their gorgeous entries!
crochet snowman couple,
etsy treasury,
lmf team,
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Day #3 of the Like My Fanpage Treasury Challenge, and here's two more entries, which are true works of art! I love them both! I have the difficult task of judging and choosing just one winner from all these gorgeous treasuries! They are all so great! I so much appreciate everyone's efforts in creating these gorgeous treasuries!
crochet snowmen,
etsy team treasury,
lmf team,
snowman couple,
Glitz for the Blitz
Today, I created a blitz treasury for some fellow TAGT members who could use some help with their sales, because of personal hardship. Please check out this treasury and show them your support! Thanks!
etsy team treasury,
TAGT team
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
A challenge entry with my snowmen
Day #2 of the Like My Fanpage Treasury Challenge on Etsy, featuring my snowman couple. The latest entry was created by Carice Monroy of ChatteJolie. I love her treasury because it celebrates the art of crochet, which is obviously something that is close to my heart. If you have a chance, please visit her shop and see her beautiful selection of vintage items! Here's the link to her shop, and a picture of the treasury she created.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Thankful for these treasury challenge entries
My new item, snowman couple, is the inspiration item for the treasury challenge for the Like My Fanpage team this week! I'm so excited. Entries must contain my item and a link to the challenge blog. Here are the first two entries, which I LOVE!
I'm so flattered that others would take the time to include my item in their treasuries! Please show these artists the attention they deserve, and check out their treasuries for yourselves. They really are beautiful!
Here is a link to the challenge, if you would like to play:
My Entry in the Treasury Challenge Today
Today I entered the treasury challenge for the On Fire for Handmade Team! The winner is based on number of views, so I need all the help I can get! Please check it out! Here's the link:On Fire for Fall Flowers
etsy team treasury,
treasury challenge
Sunday, August 14, 2011
I'm now creating Scrapbooking and Craft supplies!
Handmade Snow Couple

I have listed a brand new item in my shop, crochet snowman couple! This item is close to my heart, because the pattern is a very old one that has been passed down in my family. I remember these snowmen being a decoration in our home when I was younger. So it's one of my favorite items to create, and I'm so glad it's almost Christmas so that I can share them with everyone else on the web! They are made with acrylic yarn, over styrofoam balls. Here's a picture:
You can see these and other great handmade items for your home here:
While you are in this section of my shop, check out the other sections as well. I have crochet hats, blankets, pet items, toys, etc.
Friday, August 12, 2011
I won a Treasury Challenge!
I'm so very flattered to have won the Like My Fanpage treasury challenge on Etsy this week! The inspiration item was a set of beautiful fabric flowers, which could be used for many different craft purposes, including scrapbooking. The treasury is titled, "Flaming Fall" because it is comprised of items in a burnt orange color. I thank mydivineinspiration for choosing my treasury as the winner! Next week, one of my shop items will be the feature for the treasury challenge. I'm so excited! :-D
Here's the winning treasury! Please check it out and show the included artists some love!
like my fanpage team,
treasury challenge
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Look at this cutie!
This is a cute little guy, Derek, who beat the odds after being born premature. He is almost a year old and is home with his mom and dad, and bigger brother, JR (who is 7 years old). I sent this hat to Derek and his mom was sweet enough to take a picture of him wearing it! The photo touched my heart so much that I wanted to share it with everyone. How very cute is he?????

baby accessories,
baby boy,
baby hat,
boy hat,
handmade accessories,
Thursday, July 28, 2011
New Handmade Purse Set
Monday, July 25, 2011
Doing the victory dance! WOOHOO!!!!!
I finally won a treasury challenge! Yippee! The On Fire for Handmade Team treasury challenge! We won! Look at all the wonderfully talented Etsy artists featured in my summer leaves treasury. Without their support and promotion of this treasury, we would not have won. Please check out the treasury and visit their shops. Show them some love-they are so very deserving! I'm just on cloud 9!
You can see the other worthy placers here:
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Marines Treasury
Every once in a while, I come across a treasury on Etsy that really strikes me. This morning, I found this treasury, which is a tribute to the US Marine Corps. This treasury reminds me that others appreciate what my son is doing for our country, as a U.S. Marine. Thank you to IrihanaArts for this! Click on this link to see the entire treasury:
marines mom,
U.S. Marines,
US Marine Corps,
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
In honor of our Son
Here is a beautiful print I found on Etsy, which displays a photo of a US Marine and a beautiful poem about our brave heroes. Having a son who is training for deployment to Afghanistan, this touched my heart. So I had to share it! We're so proud of our boy! Here's the link to this item on Etsy:
marines mom,
Military family,
US Marine Corps,
I have been featured on someone else's blog!
Here's the link to her post about little old me and the crochet items in my shop:
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
I am in this beautiful treasury!
Check out my bunny in this awesome treasury, which is full of fiber artists! I love it!
My Treasury Won 2nd Place!!!!
I entered a treasury challenge yesterday, and thanks to the artists who were featured in my treasury, we won SECOND PLACE! I hardly ever win anything, so this actually brought tears to my eyes. Please check out the link. There are great treasuries featured here, full of beautiful items. The theme was SUMMER FUN!
Here's the link and a photo of my treasury:
Here's the link and a photo of my treasury:
etsy treasury,
hook u up,
on fire team,
treasury challenge
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Handmade Crochet Cotton Washcloths
These handmade crochet cotton washcloths are a new addition to my Etsy shop. You can find them here:
These extra large cloths are made of 100% cotton green and white yarn. They are 10" by 12" and are not only absorbent, but are machine washable and dryable, and super long lasting. The larger size makes them perfect for so many different household tasks and the natural cotton yarn is gentle on sensitive skin. And, should I mention that they are great colors for Christmas?
These extra large cloths are made of 100% cotton green and white yarn. They are 10" by 12" and are not only absorbent, but are machine washable and dryable, and super long lasting. The larger size makes them perfect for so many different household tasks and the natural cotton yarn is gentle on sensitive skin. And, should I mention that they are great colors for Christmas?
New Crochet Flower Baby Hat
This new crochet flower baby hat is the latest addition to my Etsy shop. Made in 100% cotton soft yellow and lavender yarn, it is the perfect accessory for any precious little girl, age 3-12 months.
The hat is 16" around, and 6.5" from top to bottom, and is made of 100% cotton yarn. It has an open stitch, which allows it to stretch and is machine washable and dryable. The double layered yellow and lavender flower is securely sewn to the hat. This hat can be customized in any size/color combination. You can find this hat in my Etsy shop at this link:
The hat is 16" around, and 6.5" from top to bottom, and is made of 100% cotton yarn. It has an open stitch, which allows it to stretch and is machine washable and dryable. The double layered yellow and lavender flower is securely sewn to the hat. This hat can be customized in any size/color combination. You can find this hat in my Etsy shop at this link:
How COOL is this!!!!!
I love looking around Etsy for inspiration, and every time I come across this chair with its knit cover, I stop dead in my tracks and HAVE to drool over it! The amount of work that goes into this is just unbelievable, and I am just in awe of this artist's talent and ideas. You MUST check out this shop:
etsy shop,
knit chair cover,
knit furniture
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
This is so incredible!
I stumbled across this knit tunic dress on etsy, and I thought it was SO INCREDIBLE that I couldn't NOT share it! The amount of time and work that goes into something like this is huge, and yet their shop if full of incredible items like this. I can barely knit a washcloth! I just HAD to share.
etsy shop,
knit sweater,
knit tunic
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Our Home Town Parade, with a touch of Semper Fi!
Every year, in our town, there is a parade where all the bands of our area high school and those in the surrounding areas, the dance studios, the hair salons, the farming equipment companies, the boy and girl scouts, the local politicians, lots of local churches, etc. march past our house (which is prime real estate on parade day!) in a two and a half hour parade. This is our first year of watching the parade without our son, who left less than a year ago, for boot camp for the U.S. Marine Corps. He was here visiting this weekend, but had to return very early this morning, so he wasn't here for the parade. However, he was of course in our hearts and on our minds, and this tractor went by (Oh! I forgot to mention this......a BUNCH of old antique, and some new, tractors are also a main attraction in these parades.) Anyway, this tractor drove by, and seeing us sitting in our front yard with our two flags posted on either side of our porch, one being the American flag, and the other a U.S. Marine Corps flag, he waved to us. I snapped this picture and sent it to my son. I wanted to share it with everyone on the internet, I'm that appreciative of this tribute to the United States Marine Corps. So here it is! I'm SO PROUD to be an AMERICAN!!!!!
My Banana Won
Check it out:
Monday, July 4, 2011
Thank you, Shelly 6262!
My Etsy friend, Shelly 6262 featured me in a beautiful treasury today, a tribute to the 4th of July. Please take the time to visit her shop here:
4th of july,
etsy treasury,
independence day,
july 4th,
Happy Fourth of July!
This is a beautiful painting that I've found on Etsy, which depicts the brotherhood that our military heroes develop, especially when deployed. My son is in the US Marine Corps, and is training now for his upcoming deployment. The brotherhood he has developed with his fellow Marines is one like I've never seen before. These men train together, have fun together, live together, and soon will fight together. Their bond is unbreakable. This gorgeous work of art depicts this brotherhood perfectly. It was created by a military wife, named Kristine. Please check out her shop, A Painted Mind, to purchase this painting, or one of her other beautiful creations!
Here is the link to the paintings in her shop:
Sunday, July 3, 2011
I love this pic--adorable military baby
I found this picture on etsy. It's one of the cutest I've seen, and so perfect for this time of year. It is an advertisement for the beautiful red white and blue hair bow. Below the pic is a link to the shop. You should check it out!
Friday, July 1, 2011
My crochet dog sweater is in this awesome treasury
I crocheted a patriotic dog sweater, and it's featured here. Please check out this treasury and the etsy shop Naturalpetproducts, whose owner created it!
My doggy, Dalton, is such a star! :0)
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Another patriotic item I've recently listed in my etsy shop
New patriotic items in my shop
The votive holders are glass, and they have been hand embellished (by me!)
with polymer clay stars. The stars were made using a few star shaped cutters,
placing smaller cutters inside larger ones to create a "cut out" star wherein I
could place smaller stars. Actually pretty simple! Here's the link to
the listing in my shop:
with polymer clay stars. The stars were made using a few star shaped cutters,
placing smaller cutters inside larger ones to create a "cut out" star wherein I
could place smaller stars. Actually pretty simple! Here's the link to
the listing in my shop:
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
New treasury
Here's a treasury I created today, around the title, "Dare to reach your hand into the darkness to pull another hand into the light."
etsy team treasury,
etsy treasury
Monday, June 20, 2011
My new treasury
I created this treasury today, featuring all red, white, and blue items from the Etsy Promo Love and TAGT Teams!
Sneak Peek:
Sneak Peek:
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